Inspiration for Excellence

The Best Click-Through Landing Page Designs From Popular Brands

The initial moments after a visitor lands on a Click-Through landing page are critical. With ever-shortening attention spans, the first visual impression is a key driver of success. This type of landing page is designed specifically to funnel users towards a single action, such as signing up or moving to another stage in a marketing funnel. An effective visual design not only needs to capture attention swiftly but also elegantly guide users towards this action, with clear visual cues and a compelling layout that emphasizes the next steps. Maintaining aesthetic elegance while doing so ensures the page not only draws in visitors but also encourages them to click through, thus boosting conversion rates.

Landing Pages with the Best Design

Explore our curated collection of landing pages, meticulously ranked based on the Scan Score, which evaluates how effectively users can scan and comprehend both the visual and textual content of a webpage. Influenced by layout clarity, visual hierarchy, content organization, and readability, a high Scan Score indicates a webpage that is visually appealing and easy to understand at first glance, enhancing user engagement and navigation efficiency.


Paypal Buy Now Pay Later Landing Page
The Paypal Buy Now Pay Later Landing Page is getting 89/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Uvodo Card Landing Page
The Uvodo Card Landing Page is getting 88/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Fluz Landing Page
The Fluz Landing Page is getting 86/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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VodaPay Rewards Landing Page
The VodaPay Rewards Landing Page is getting 86/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Swan Landing Page
The Swan Landing Page is getting 85/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Workable Survey Report Landing Page
The Workable Survey Report Landing Page is getting 85/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Coles Express

Shell Coles Express App Landing Page
The Shell Coles Express App Landing Page is getting 85/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Gusto Wallet Mobile App Landing Page
The Gusto Wallet Mobile App Landing Page is getting 85/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page
The Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page is getting 85/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Branch For Teams Landing Page
The Branch For Teams Landing Page is getting 85/100 (Scan Score) on the desktop version.
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Mobile Landing Pages with the Best Design


Uvodo Card
The Uvodo Card Landing Page is getting 84/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Paypal Buy Now Pay Later
The Paypal Buy Now Pay Later Landing Page is getting 84/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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The Fluz Landing Page is getting 81/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Good Eat'n

Good Eat'n
The Good Eat'n Landing Page is getting 81/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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VodaPay Rewards
The VodaPay Rewards Landing Page is getting 81/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Coles Express

Shell Coles Express App
The Shell Coles Express App Landing Page is getting 80/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Airbnb Gift Cards
The Airbnb Gift Cards Landing Page is getting 80/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Discord Mobile Experience
The Discord Mobile Experience Landing Page is getting 80/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Nike Jordan Basketball
The Nike Jordan Basketball Landing Page is getting 79/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Workable Survey Report
The Workable Survey Report Landing Page is getting 79/100 (Scan Score) on the mobile version.
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Optimizing Click-Through Landing Page Designs: Best Practices

To optimize the visual experience on landing pages, focus on Visual Clarity, Visual Balance, and Reading Ease. Follow these best practices to enhance effectiveness:

Visual Clarity Best Practices

  • Create a Proper Visual Hierarchy: Use size, color, contrast, and more to highlight key information and improve scannability.
  • Leverage Negative Space: Incorporate white space to reduce clutter and focus on important content.
  • Use Subheadings and Lists: Organize content to facilitate quick reading and comprehension.
  • Visualize Content: Add engaging visuals like illustrations and photos.
  • Emphasize CTAs: Ensure call-to-action buttons are visually distinct and well-placed to prompt immediate actions.

Visual Balance Best Practices

  • Prioritize Elements: Assign importance to content elements to enhance layout harmony.
  • Implement Grid Systems: Structure content with grids for a clean layout.
  • Ensure Consistent Spacing: Maintain uniform spacing across elements for visual cohesion.
  • Conduct Regular Visual Assessments: Regularly check text density and visual elements to maintain balance.

Reading Ease Best Practices

  • Craft Compelling Copy: Write direct and engaging copy that addresses user needs.
  • Utilize Storytelling: Use storytelling to make content more accessible and engaging.
  • Shorten Paragraphs and Sentences: Keep sentences under 25 words and paragraphs concise.
  • Choose Simple Language: Use straightforward language to ensure wide comprehension.

Implement these best practices to improve engagement and enhance the effectiveness of your landing pages, making them visually appealing and functionally superior.


Throughout this article, we have highlighted outstanding Click-Through landing pages that exemplify the effective integration of design and content clarity, all evaluated through the precise lens of the Scan Score. By following best practices, these landing pages not only serve as beacons of visual and textual mastery but also establish standards for user-friendly digital experiences.

Eager to discover actionable insights and elevate your digital strategy with a focus on first impressions and content discovery? Evaluate your own landing pages to identify opportunities for improvement and optimization. Adopt a new perspective on user engagement and watch your interactions soar. Explore our unique assessment process and take the first step towards digital excellence today.

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