Act Performance

151 Landing Pages Ranked by CTA Efficiency

Explore the top-performing landing page during the 'Act' stage. We rank 151 public case studies based on our Act score, assessing the call-to-action (CTA) viewability, the sequence in which this one is observed, the usability and overall interaction design to facilitate the achievement of the main objective.

How effective is your landing page?

Get actionable insights with our UX Scorecard and make data-driven decisions for better conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are CTAs important for landing pages?
CTAs (Calls to Action) are crucial for guiding users toward desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service, thereby increasing conversion rates and achieving business goals.
How does Landingmetrics evaluate CTA effectiveness?
Landingmetrics evaluates CTA effectiveness using the Act Score, which measures the ease and intuitiveness with which users can take desired actions. This involves evaluating value proposition visibility, button placements, and overall user flow.
What are the best CTA examples on landing pages?
Examples of the best CTA designs include the Shopify Free Trial Landing Page (Act Score: 95), Apple iPhone 15 Landing Page (Act Score: 95), and Uber Drive Landing Page (Act Score: 95).
What benefits do effective CTAs offer?
Effective CTAs enhance user engagement, improve conversion rates, and ensure that users can easily navigate towards the desired actions, leading to better business outcomes.
How does Landingmetrics' Act Score help?
The Act Score helps identify landing pages with highly effective CTAs by evaluating usability and interaction design, providing insights to optimize CTA placement and design, thus improving user interaction and conversion rates.
What elements contribute to a high Act Score?
A high Act Score is achieved through clear visibility, strategic placement, ease of use, and compelling design of CTAs, ensuring users can quickly and easily complete the desired actions.

Inspiration for CTA Excellence

Discover our series showcasing the best landing pages against their CTA efficency. Each article ranks top pages and offers an in-depth analysis of the strategies behind their success. Explore these benchmarks of digital excellence and uncover actionable best practices to elevate your digital marketing strategies.

Human Resources Best CTAs
Unlock top CTA strategies for HR landing pages. Data-driven insights and ranked examples for maximizing conversions.
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Travel Best CTAs
Uncover leading CTAs for Travel landing pages. Data-driven examples ranked to drive engagement and conversions effectively.
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Event Registration Best CTAs
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Automotive Best CTAs
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Agencies & Consulting Best CTAs
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Mobile App Best CTAs
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Fashion & Beauty Best CTAs
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Sales Best CTAs
Explore ranked, pragmatic CTA strategies tailored for top sales landing pages, designed to optimize marketing effectiveness.
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Click-Through Best CTAs
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Education Best CTAs
Explore ranked examples of effective CTAs on education landing pages. Elevate your strategy with data-driven insights.
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B2C Best CTAs
Explore pragmatic CTAs on top-ranked B2C landing pages. Elevate your strategy with effective examples.
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Sports & Recreation Best CTAs
Explore high-converting CTAs for Sports & Recreation landing pages. Data-driven examples ranked for maximum engagement and results.
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