
Your Guide to the CTA Viewability Metric for Better Conversions

Users decide in an instant whether to engage with your content. Ensuring your call-to-action (CTA) is highly visible and attention-grabbing is key to driving conversions and maximizing user engagement. Optimize your landing page’s performance with these insights.

CTA Viewability
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Is Your CTA Viewability Holding You Back?!
Measure and improve with our 29-metric analysis. Kickstart your page optimization now.

Introduction to CTA Viewability

Landingmetrics’ CTA Viewability is a proprietary metric that measures how easily users can spot and discover the main call-to-action (CTA) on a landing page. This metric is crucial because the visibility and prominence of a CTA directly influence user engagement and conversion rates. If users struggle to find the CTA, they are less likely to take the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or completing a form.

Importance for User Engagement and Conversion Optimization:

  • User Engagement: A highly visible CTA captures users' attention quickly, guiding them toward the next step in their journey. When the CTA is easy to find, users are more likely to engage with the content and follow through on the intended action.
  • Conversion Optimization: The ultimate goal of any landing page is to convert visitors into customers or leads. Ensuring that the CTA is prominently displayed and immediately noticeable increases the likelihood that users will take action, thereby boosting conversion rates.

Business Impact of CTA Viewability

CTA Viewability has a significant impact on business outcomes, particularly in terms of conversions and user engagement. When the main call-to-action (CTA) on a landing page is highly visible and easy to find, it naturally guides users toward taking the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a service, or filling out a form. Conversely, if the CTA is hidden or difficult to locate, potential customers may become frustrated or lose interest, leading to lower engagement and missed opportunities.

Impact on Conversions

A visible and easy-to-find CTA encourages users to take action, which is crucial for driving conversions. When the CTA is prominently displayed and strategically positioned, users are more likely to interact with it, leading to higher conversion rates. If the CTA is difficult to spot or buried within the content, potential customers may miss it altogether, resulting in lost conversion opportunities.

Impact on User Engagement

The engagement of users on a landing page is also heavily influenced by how quickly and easily they can identify the next step to take. A clearly visible CTA reduces frustration and keeps users focused on completing the desired action. Conversely, if the CTA is not immediately obvious, users might become confused or disengaged, leading to higher bounce rates and lower overall engagement.

Crucial for Achieving Business Goals

CTA Viewability is essential for achieving business goals because it ensures that the most important action on the page is accessible and actionable. Whether the goal is to generate leads, increase sales, or encourage sign-ups, the CTA must be clearly visible to guide users toward completing that goal. By improving CTA Viewability, businesses can optimize their landing pages for better performance, leading to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.

In today’s competitive digital landscape, where user attention is fleeting, having a highly visible and strategically placed CTA is not just beneficial—it’s essential. By focusing on improving this metric, businesses can create more effective landing pages that better achieve their objectives.

High-Performing Examples

High-performing landing pages excel in CTA Viewability by ensuring that the call-to-action (CTA) is strategically placed and prominently displayed, making it easy for users to find and engage with. These pages use design, content, and layout to draw attention to the CTA, driving user interaction and increasing conversions. Below are some standout examples:

Shopify Free Trial Landing Page

Shopify Free Trial Landing Page

With a CTA Viewability score of 95/100 on the desktop version, the Shopify Free Trial landing page sets the standard for excellence in CTA placement. The CTA is positioned prominently in the center of the page, where all the surrounding content naturally guides the user's eye. The design is focused on drawing attention to the CTA, making it the focal point of the page. This clear and strategic placement ensures that users immediately see and are encouraged to click the “Start free trial” button, driving higher engagement and conversions.

Apple iPhone 15 Landing Page

Apple iPhone 15 Landing Page

Apple’s iPhone 15 landing page boasts a CTA Viewability score of 94/100, highlighting its effectiveness in CTA design. The “Buy” button is surrounded by vast white spaces, creating a clean and uncluttered environment that naturally focuses the user’s attention on the CTA. This minimalist approach not only enhances the visibility of the CTA but also elevates the overall user experience, making the action clear and compelling. The strategic use of white space ensures that nothing competes with the CTA for the user’s attention.

TikTok for Business Landing Page

TikTok for Business Landing Page

The TikTok for Business landing page achieves a CTA Viewability score of 93/100, thanks to its minimalist design and strong visual hierarchy. The page features a large, attention-grabbing headline that leads directly to a prominent CTA button. This simple yet powerful design choice ensures that the CTA stands out, making it easy for users to understand the next step and engage with the page. The effective use of a minimalist layout ensures that the CTA is not lost in the content but instead becomes the central point of action.

These examples demonstrate how optimizing CTA Viewability through thoughtful design and strategic placement can significantly enhance user engagement and drive higher conversion rates. By ensuring that the CTA is the focal point of the page, these landing pages effectively guide users towards the desired action, making them exemplary models in digital marketing.

Improvement Opportunities

Even well-designed landing pages can sometimes fall short in optimizing CTA Viewability. One common issue is that the call-to-action (CTA) may not stand out enough, making it difficult for users to quickly identify and engage with it. This can lead to missed opportunities for conversions, even when the CTA is positioned above the fold.

The Visa Prepaid Cards landing page, with a CTA Viewability score of 51/100, illustrates this challenge. Although the CTA is placed above the fold on the desktop version, it doesn’t attract enough attention. The issue lies in the fact that the CTA is a simple text link, which blends into the rest of the page design rather than standing out as the focal point.

Visa Prepaid Cards Landing Page

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • Enhance CTA Design: The current CTA, being a simple text link, lacks the visual prominence needed to draw users' attention. Consider redesigning the CTA as a button with a contrasting color that stands out against the background. This would make the CTA more visually striking and easier for users to spot.
  • Increase Visual Contrast: To further boost the CTA’s visibility, use a color scheme that contrasts sharply with the surrounding elements. This can be achieved by selecting a bold, vibrant color for the CTA that differs from the primary colors used on the rest of the page.
  • Add Supporting Elements: Incorporating visual cues such as arrows or icons pointing towards the CTA can guide users’ eyes directly to the desired action. Additionally, using whitespace strategically around the CTA can help isolate it from other elements, making it more noticeable.
  • Leverage Directional Cues from Faces: People naturally focus on faces, and if the people in your images are looking in a specific direction, users tend to follow their gaze. Ensure that any faces on the page are oriented toward the CTA to subtly guide users' attention toward it. If the current imagery shows people looking away from the CTA, consider adjusting the images or replacing them to direct focus where it’s needed most.

By making these adjustments, the Visa Prepaid Cards landing page can significantly improve its CTA Viewability, leading to better user engagement and higher conversion rates. The key is to ensure that the CTA is not only placed strategically but also designed to stand out and capture attention immediately. Small changes in design and contrast can make a big difference in how effectively the CTA drives user action.

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Place the CTA Above the Fold: Ensure your main CTA is visible without the need for users to scroll down the page. Placing it above the fold increases the likelihood that users will see it immediately, making it more likely they will take action.
  2. Use a Contrasting Color for the CTA: Choose a color for your CTA that contrasts with the background and surrounding elements. This helps the CTA stand out and catches the user’s eye, guiding them toward the desired action.
  3. Make the CTA Button Large and Clickable: The CTA button should be large enough to be easily clickable, especially on mobile devices. Ensure there is enough padding around the text to make the button inviting and easy to interact with.
  4. Utilize Clear, Action-Oriented Text: Use concise, action-oriented language on your CTA button, such as "Sign Up Now" or "Get Started." This makes the desired action clear and encourages users to click.
  5. Leverage Directional Cues: Use images of people or arrows that point towards the CTA. Users naturally follow directional cues, and this can subtly guide their attention to your CTA, increasing its visibility.
  6. Avoid Clutter Around the CTA: Ensure that the area around your CTA is free from clutter. Use whitespace to isolate the CTA from other elements on the page, making it the focal point of the user’s attention.
  7. Optimize for Mobile Devices: Ensure your CTA is just as visible and easy to click on mobile devices as it is on desktop. Consider the smaller screen size and adjust the button size, placement, and surrounding whitespace accordingly.
  8. Repeat the CTA on Longer Pages: If your landing page is long, include multiple CTAs at strategic points throughout the content. This ensures that users always have a clear next step, no matter where they are on the page.

These practices will help enhance the visibility and effectiveness of your CTA, ultimately leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Measurement and Methodology

How Does Landingmetrics Measure CTA Viewability?

At Landingmetrics, we utilize a proprietary methodology to accurately measure CTA Viewability on landing pages. This metric evaluates how easily users can spot and engage with the main call-to-action (CTA), which is crucial for driving user engagement and conversions.

Tools and Technologies Involved

To assess CTA Viewability, we employ predictive eye-tracking technology, combined with a unique visibility index that we’ve developed. This approach allows us to analyze how users interact with the page and how quickly their attention is drawn to the CTA. Data is collected using our advanced predictive eye-tracking model. This model simulates where users are likely to look when they first land on a page. It gathers information on visual fixations—specifically, how many times users are likely to fixate on the CTA—and the time it takes for the CTA to capture their attention.

Analysis and Interpretation

The data collected from predictive eye-tracking is used to calculate the CTA Visibility Index. This index is based on several factors:

  • Visual Fixations: The number of times users are predicted to focus on the CTA, which helps measure the level of attention the CTA receives.
  • Time to First Fixation: The time it takes for users to first fixate on the CTA, indicating how quickly it captures attention.
  • Positioning on the Page: The location of the CTA relative to the overall layout of the page, taking into account whether the CTA is above the fold, its proximity to other elements, and the device being used (desktop or mobile).

Unique Approach by Landingmetrics

Our CTA Visibility Index offers a quantitative method to evaluate and compare the visibility of CTAs across different landing pages. By comparing the visibility of the CTA to other elements on the page, we can objectively identify whether the CTA is receiving the attention it deserves or if it’s being overshadowed by other components. This approach allows us to recommend specific adjustments to enhance the CTA’s visibility and effectiveness.

Proprietary Techniques

What sets Landingmetrics apart is our ability to simulate user behavior through predictive eye-tracking, providing insights that go beyond traditional analytics. By integrating this technology with our visibility index, we offer a comprehensive evaluation that helps businesses optimize their CTAs for maximum impact.

In summary, Landingmetrics uses a combination of predictive eye-tracking technology and a proprietary visibility index to measure CTA Viewability. This methodology ensures that our clients receive precise, actionable insights on how to improve the visibility and performance of their CTAs, ultimately leading to better user engagement and higher conversion rates.

Optimization and Services

We offer tailored services that leverage advanced tools and human expertise to optimize your landing page's CTA Viewability and overall performance. Our process starts with a detailed analysis using predictive eye-tracking technology and sophisticated algorithms, assessing how visual elements are perceived and understood by users on both desktop and mobile devices. This is part of our comprehensive methodology, which includes 29 metrics and 49 measurements.

UX Scorecard

The UX Scorecard provides a detailed evaluation of your landing page's user experience, offering a clear, actionable summary of strengths and areas for improvement. It includes scores for critical aspects of UX, allowing you to pinpoint exactly where enhancements are needed.

UX & Conversion Audit

Our UX & Conversion Audit offers an in-depth analysis of your landing page, combining UX insights with conversion optimization strategies. This audit delivers comprehensive recommendations to enhance both user engagement and conversion rates, ensuring your landing page achieves its full potential.