What gets measured gets improved

Enhance end-user engagement with our specialized suite of 29 metrics.

Our Metrics

Our methodology employs a thorough approach, leveraging 29 metrics to offer an exhaustive analysis of your landing page's effectiveness and its potential to drive conversions. This analysis encompasses both mobile and desktop versions, ensuring a holistic evaluation.

Underpinning these metrics are 49 specific measures, grounded in a blend of research-based insights and advanced methodologies. We utilize state-of-the-art technologies, including AI-driven predictive eye-tracking and sophisticated algorithms. Additionally, our process includes a compliance assessment aligned with selected international standards for accessibility and usability.

Top-level Metrics

Top-level metrics offer an overarching view of a landing page's performance, encapsulating key insights across both desktop and mobile platforms.
UX Score
This comprehensive metric synthesizes sub-scores from the Load, Scan, and Act stages, each meticulously derived from an exhaustive set of 29 metrics. Together, these sub-scores offer a panoramic view of the user's experience on the landing page, capturing every nuance from load times to design elements and interactive features.

Discover the best performing landing pages on the UX  score.
Load Score
Description: Evaluates the overall efficiency and speed of a webpage's loading process. This score might encompass elements like page load time, server response time, and the performance of various scripts and resources.

User Experience Impact: A high Load Score indicates a faster, more efficient loading experience, reducing wait times for users and improving their initial interaction with the webpage.

Discover the best performing landing pages on the load score.
Scan Score
Description: Assesses how effectively users can scan and comprehend the visual and textual content of a webpage. This score can be influenced by factors like layout clarity, visual hierarchy, content organization, and readability.

User Experience Impact: A high Scan Score indicates that users are likely to have a favorable initial reaction, finding the page visually appealing and easy to comprehend at first glance. It helps users to quickly grasp the webpage's content, enhancing their ability to find relevant information.

Discover the best performing landing pages on the scan score.
Act Score
Description: Measures the ease and intuitiveness with which users can take desired actions on the landing page. This may involve evaluating value proposition visibility, button placements, and overall user flow.

User Experience Impact: A high Act Score signifies a user-friendly and straightforward interaction process, leading to improved user engagement, satisfaction, and higher conversion rates.

Discover the best performing landing pages on the act score.

Mobile Metrics

Mobile Metrics specifically evaluate the user experience and performance on mobile devices, highlighting areas for optimization in the mobile context.
Mobile UX Score
As a holistic measure of design, speed, and user interactions, the Mobile UX Score is an invaluable asset for anyone looking to optimize conversions. This comprehensive metric synthesizes sub-scores from the Load, Scan, and Act stages, each meticulously derived from an exhaustive set of 13 metrics for the mobile version. Together, these sub-scores offer a panoramic view of the user's experience on the landing page, capturing every nuance from load times to design elements and interactive features.

Mobile Load Score
Description: Measures the efficiency of a webpage's loading process on mobile devices, considering factors like server response time and mobile-specific optimizations.

User Experience Impact: A high Mobile Load Score signifies quick loading times, essential for retaining mobile users who often expect fast access to information.
Mobile Scan Score
Description: Evaluates the initial visual impact and ease of content comprehension on mobile screens, focusing on layout, visual hierarchy, and mobile-optimized design.

User Experience Impact: A strong Mobile Scan Score ensures a positive first impression, crucial for engaging users in a mobile context with limited screen space.
Mobile Act Score
Description: Assesses how effectively a mobile site guides users from understanding the value proposition to engaging with the primary CTA.

User Experience Impact: A high Mobile Act Score indicates a clear and persuasive pathway to action, driving conversions and user engagement on mobile devices.
Mobile Lighthouse Score
Description: A comprehensive performance indicator developed by Google, the Lighthouse Score assesses various aspects of a web page including loading speed, accessibility, best practices in development, and search engine optimization. Similar to the general Lighthouse Score but tailored for mobile devices, assessing mobile-specific factors including mobile speed.

Impact on User Experience: Ensures a webpage is optimized for mobile devices, improving performance and user satisfaction on smaller screens.
Mobile First Contentful Paint
Description: Measures the time to render the first visible content element on a mobile device.

Impact on User Experience: A quick FCP improves the perceived speed of a page, enhancing the initial user impression. It's critical for gauging how fast a page feels to a user, particularly during the initial load.
Mobile Largest Contentful Paint
Description: LCP measures the time to render the largest content element visible in the viewport. This metric is essential for understanding the perceived load speed from the user's perspective.

Impact on User Experience: LCP is a key metric to assess how quickly the main content of a page becomes visible, significantly affecting user engagement and satisfaction.
Mobile Design Clarity
Description: This metric evaluates the ease with which users can perceive and understand visual elements on a web page. A clear design avoids excessive clutter and focuses user attention on the main content.

Impact on User Experience: Enhances user comprehension and interaction with the site, leading to a more intuitive and satisfying user journey.
Mobile Design Balance
Description: It involves assessing the even distribution of visual elements across a webpage, creating a sense of stability and harmony.

Impact on User Experience: A well-balanced design prevents visual friction and distraction, thereby enhancing user comfort and engagement with the content.
Mobile Content Reading Ease
Description: This metric evaluates the clarity and simplicity of the text on a webpage.

Impact on User Experience: Higher readability ensures that users can easily understand and engage with the content, which is vital for effective communication and user satisfaction.
Mobile CTA Viewability
Description: Measures how easily users spot and discover the main call-to-action (CTA) using our proprietary model and predictive eye-tracking data.

Impact on User Experience: Ensuring the CTA is clearly visible and attention-grabbing is essential for driving user engagement and conversions.
Mobile Processing Order
Description: This metric assesses the logical sequence in which visual elements and CTAs are presented to the user, influencing the order in which information is processed. Objectively evaluates the observation order of visual interest areas (AOIs) through a manual process.

Impact on User Experience: A logical and clear processing order can significantly enhance the likelihood of user engagement and action, leading to better conversion rates.
Mobile CTA Interaction (Thumb-friendly)
Description: This metric evaluates the ease of interacting with the call-to-action (CTA) elements on mobile devices, particularly focusing on the accessibility and usability of these elements within thumb's reach. It considers factors such as the size and positioning of the primary CTA button for thumb-based navigation.

User Experience Impact:
A high score in this area indicates that CTAs are easily actionable with one hand, particularly important for mobile users who often navigate with their thumbs. This accessibility enhances the likelihood of user engagement and conversion, as it makes responding to CTAs effortless and intuitive, even on smaller screens.

Desktop Metrics

Desktop Metrics focus on assessing the user experience and effectiveness of a landing page on desktop environments, identifying desktop-specific optimization opportunities.
Desktop UX Score
As a holistic measure of design, speed, and user interactions, the Desktop UX Score is an invaluable asset for anyone looking to optimize conversions. This comprehensive metric synthesizes sub-scores from the Load, Scan, and Act stages, each meticulously derived from an exhaustive set of 12 metrics for the desktop version. Together, these sub-scores offer a panoramic view of the user's experience on the landing page, capturing every nuance from load times to design elements and interactive features.

Desktop Load Score
Description: Measures the speed and efficiency of a webpage's loading process on desktop environments, considering aspects like server response, resource optimization, and script execution.

User Experience Impact: A high Desktop Load Score signifies swift loading, reducing wait times and improving initial interaction, which is particularly significant for desktop users who often have higher speed expectations.
Desktop Scan Score
Description: Evaluates how easily users can initially scan and comprehend content on a desktop screen, focusing on layout clarity, visual hierarchy, and overall design appeal.

User Experience Impact: A superior Desktop Scan Score ensures a positive first impression, essential for engaging users who interact with larger screens and seek quick information access.
Desktop Act Score
Description: Assesses the clarity and persuasiveness of desktop webpages in guiding users from understanding the value proposition to engaging with the primary call-to-action.

User Experience Impact: A high Desktop Act Score indicates a clear, compelling pathway to action, crucial for driving conversions and engagement in a desktop environment.
Desktop Lighthouse Score
Description: A comprehensive performance indicator developed by Google, the Lighthouse Score assesses various aspects of a web page including loading speed, accessibility, best practices in development, and search engine optimization. Similar to the general Lighthouse Score but tailored for desktop devices.

Impact on User Experience: Ensures a webpage is optimized for desktop devices, improving performance and user satisfaction on large screens.
Desktop First Contentful Paint
Description: Times the rendering of the first content element on a desktop browser.

User Experience Impact:
Vital for desktop users' perception of speed, with a faster FCP leading to improved satisfaction and reduced frustration.
Desktop Largest Contentful Paint
Description: Measures the time to display the largest content element on a desktop screen.

User Experience Impact:
A key metric for assessing load performance on desktop, impacting user retention and overall satisfaction with content accessibility.
Desktop Design Clarity
Description: Assesses the effectiveness and simplicity of a desktop site’s design in conveying information and facilitating navigation.

User Experience Impact: Ensures desktop users find the design intuitive and straightforward, enhancing overall engagement and interaction.
Desktop Design Balance
Description: Evaluates the visual equilibrium and functional layout of elements on a desktop site.

User Experience Impact: A well-balanced desktop design enhances user comfort and engagement, vital for maintaining attention and interest on larger screens.
Desktop Content Reading Ease
Description: Measures the readability of text on desktop screens, factoring in aspects like font size, line spacing, and contrast.

User Experience Impact: Crucial for ensuring that desktop users can easily comprehend and engage with content, enhancing information retention and user satisfaction.
Desktop CTA Viewability
Description: Assesses the visibility and clarity of calls-to-action on desktop interfaces.

User Experience Impact: Ensures main CTAs are prominently displayed and compelling on desktop, vital for guiding user actions and increasing conversion rates.
Desktop Processing Order
Description: Evaluates the logical sequence and flow in which desktop users process information and interact with webpage elements.

User Experience Impact: A clear processing order on desktop aids in guiding user actions and decisions, enhancing usability and effectiveness of the user journey.

Ready to Elevate Your Landing Page Experience?

Discover how your landing page compares with the best. Dive into our comprehensive benchmark data and gain invaluable insights from the UX performance of 162 landing pages. Uncover the potential of your digital presence with our unique solutions and start your journey towards optimized user experience and enhanced conversions.